Do E-Cigarettes Work As An Effective Quit Smoking Treatment?

You are not alone if you are making attempts to quit smoking. Almost seven out of 10 smokers claim they want to give up the habit. Cigarettes damage nearly every organ in your body, including your heart. Therefore, giving up cigarettes will be one of the best thing to do for your health. Cigarettes and second-hand smoke are responsible for about one-third of all heart disease fatalities. You might use electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes, vape pens, and other non-disposable and disposable vaping devices) to help you make the transition from regular cigarettes to quitting the habit altogether. Is it, however, healthier to use e-cigarettes (commonly known as vaping) as an alternative to tobacco products? Can e-cigarettes assist you in giving up cigarettes once and for all? Here are some important facts for you if you consider e-cigarettes as an effective quit smoking treatment in Brisbane.

E-cigarettes as for giving up the smoking habit

E-cigarettes heat nicotine (extracted from tobacco), flavourings, and other substances to create an aerosol that you inhale. Tobacco cigarettes contain more than harmful 7,000 chemicals. However, we still don't know what chemicals that are present in e-cigarettes. Vaping, on the other hand, has the potential to expose you to less hazardous chemicals than smoking regular cigarettes.

Vitamin E acetate is a substance to be concerned about. THC vaping products frequently use vitamin E acetate as a thickening agent. Therefore we suggest the following—

Ø  You should avoid the use of e-cigarettes that contain THC.

Ø  Avoid buying a vaping device from unauthorised sources including friends, relatives, or online retailers.

Ø  Do not alter or add ingredients to vaping equipment that the manufacturer did not intend.

There are dozens of chemical compounds in vape goods, the majority of which are yet unknown. Several potentially dangerous components were identified by the researchers, including caffeine, three chemicals never before seen in e-cigarettes, a pesticide, and two flavourings associated with toxic consequences and respiratory irritation.

Electronic cigarettes can be harmful to both your heart and lungs

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance and it is there in both traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Even when you try to give up cigarettes, it increases the cravings. It can be a withdrawal symptom. Nicotine is a highly poisonous chemical. It accelerates your heart rate and increases your risk of a heart attack by raising your blood pressure and adrenaline levels. There are many unknowns when it comes to vaping, such as what chemicals make up the vapour and how they affect physical health in the long term. People must realise that e-cigarettes are possibly harmful to their health. New evidence reveals linkages to chronic lung illness and asthma, as well as cardiovascular disease and dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking. There are many products for smoking cessation, and it is not one of those.

You're exposing yourself to a variety of compounds that we don't fully comprehend and are most likely unsafe.

Electronic cigarettes are as addictive as the regular ones

Both e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes contain nicotine. Research shows cigarettes can be as addictive cocaine. Worse, many e-cigarette consumes more amount of nicotine compared to combustible tobacco product. Users may purchase extra-strength cartridges with higher nicotine content or boost the e-voltage cigarettes to receive a stronger nicotine dose. The Therapeutic Goods Administration did not approve electronic cigarettes as smoking cessation devices, despite the fact that they have been advertised as such. According to a recent study, many people who give e-cigarettes a chance to give up traditional ones ended up using both.

What is an effective method to quit cigarettes?

Quit smoking hypnotherapy in Brisbane has a proven record of being effective when it comes to smoking cessation. It makes the smoker understand how cigarettes affect their health and leads them toward death.

There is a connection between smoking cigarettes and heart disease. Smoking is highly related to cancer as well. However, the sooner you stop, the faster your body will be able to recover and restore itself. Consult your doctor to determine which smoking cessation programme or tools are right for you. We are here to offer you the best quit smoking hypnosis in Queensland.

Get in touch with Quit Smoking Experts today for a consultation.          


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